Club Information

 Interested in playing baseball this summer?! Check out the map and information below to find out where to go! 


This interactive map serves as a visual guide of the boundaries of the existing member associations of Baseball Nova Scotia. Potential new members (players, coaches, volunteers, etc) are encouraged to refer to this map to determine which association they fall into geographically based on their current home address.


  • Areas that are not highlighted are not exclusive to one association, and may be shared by multiple associations. This means that potential new members may have multiple options to register (refer to table below).
  • There are some areas where member associations overlap. These areas have traditionally been shared by these associations, and potential new members may register in either association.





Association  Area Contact Website

Yarmouth and Area Minor Baseball 

Encompasses all towns within the Yarmouth County limits, up to the borders with Shelburne and Digby County. Richard Gosling




Kingston and Greenwood Minor Baseball Association

 Encompasses Paradise ,Bridgetown , Middleton , Wilmot , Margaretsville, Nictaux, Kingston, Greenwood, Auburn, and the towns within Annapolis County (up to the border limit of Digby County).   Carl Howard  

Kentville Minor Baseball Association

Encompasses Kentville, and all communities between Avonport, Coldbrook, and up to Steam Mill/Canard. Peter Ludlow  Website


North Kings Minor Baseball Association

Encompasses Canning, Centreville, and all communities between Scot's Bay, Canard, Steam Mill, Lakeville, and Hall's Harbour. Jonathan Schofield  Website

Aylesford Minor Baseball Association

Encompasses the town of Aylesford (players can also register with Kingston Greenwood Minor Baseball or Berwick Minor Baseball)  Adele Rainforth  

Berwick Area Minor Baseball Association

Encompasses Berwick, and all communities between Cambridge, Woodville, Chipman Brook, Ogilvie, and Weston.    Mike Brobbel  

Weymouth Minor Baseball Association

Encompasses all towns within the Digby County limits, up to the borders with Annapolis, Queens, and Yarmouth Counties.  Jason Addington  

Liverpool Baseball Club

Encompasses all towns within the Queens County limits, up to the borders with Lunenburg, Annapolis, Digby, and Shelburne Counties. Mike Ringer  Website

West Hants Minor Baseball

Encompasses the towns of Windsor, Brooklyn, Vaughan, Three Mile Plains, Falmouth, Avondale, Hants Shore (up to Cheverie) and Hantsport.  Stephen Sauveur  Website

Bridgewater Minor Baseball Association

Encompasses all towns within the Lunenburg County limits, up to the borders with Halifax, Hants, Kings, Annapolis, and Queens Counties.  Chris Zinck



Clark's Harbour and Area Minor Baseball Association

Encompasses Clarks Harbour and all communities between Clyde River and the Yarmouth County border. Jeff Ross  

Shelburne Minor Baseball Association

Encompasses Shelburne, and all communities up to the Queens County border, and down to Clyde River.     
Metro South

Prospect Road Minor Baseball Association

Encompasses start of Hwy 333 at the intersections of St. Margaret's Bay Road and Prospect Road to Peggy's Cove., including the communities of Goodwood, Brookside, White's Lake, Terrence Bay, Prospect Bay, Shad Bay, Bayside, Prospect, Big Lake, McGrath's Cove, East and West Dover.  Melissa Bowes McLeod  Website
Metro South

Halifax Minor Baseball Association

Encompasses the Halifax Peninsula and Clayton Park to the Border of Larry Uteck Blvd/Kearney Lake Rd, Spryfield, Herring Cove, Harrietsfield, and Williamswood.  Beechville, Lakeside, and Timberlea residents can register with Halifax Minor Baseball or Hammonds Plains Minor Baseball. 

Martyn Ritcey

Kevin Conrad

Metro South

Dartmouth District Minor Baseball Association

Encompasses the communities within it's member associations of Cole Harbour Minor Baseball, Diamond Dawgs Minor Baseball, Eastern Passage Minor Baseball, Humber Park Minor Baseball, and Porter's Lake Minor Baseball.  Jeff Van Mulligen  Website
Metro South

Cole Harbour Minor Baseball Association

Encompasses the area from Caldwell Rd (Salt Marsh Trail Connector) through Mineview Rd to the Highway 107 Connector. All neighbourhoods From Broom Rd through Forest Hills Dr to Gregory Dr , through Cole Harbour Rd onto Otago Dr and Caldwell Rd (and connecting side streets).  Brian Hurdis  Website
Metro South

Eastern Passage Minor Baseball Association

Encompasses the area from Eisner's Cove through Shearwater, Eastern Passage, and Cow Bay, with boundaries at the Salt Marsh Trail off Caldwell Rd, and Rainbow Haven Beach.  Jason Lombard  Website
Metro South

Diamond Dawgs Baseball Association

Encompasses the communities within Westphal-Port Wallace, Woodlawn, Woodside, and the Central-North area of Dartmouth. Boundaries start at the Forest Hills Parkway through to the HWY 118-107 connector, through to the bottom of Magazine Hill (Burnside), through to Eisner's Cove Rd (Shearwater), through to Caldwell Rd-Cole Harbour Rd intersection.  Chris Cluett  Website
Metro South

Humber Park Minor Baseball Association

Encompasses the area from the Forest Hills Connector through the communities of Lake Loon, Cherrybrook, East Preston, and North Preston, with boundaries at the Mineville Rd and Bell St intersection. Albert Sarracini Website
Metro South

Porters Lake Minor Baseball Association

Encompasses all communities and postal codes east of Preston and Mineville (Mineville Rd and Bell St intersection) and as far east as Ecum Secum. Lori Arnold  Website
Metro North

Bedford Minor Baseball Association

Encompasses Bedford (starting at Larry Uteck/South Gate up to Kearney Lake Rd), including Brookline (can also register with Hammonds Plains Minor Baseball) Ken Lenihan  Website
Metro North

Hammonds Plains Minor Baseball Association

Encompasses Hammonds Plains (starting at Larry Uteck Blvd/Kearney Lake Rd), Brookline (can also register with Bedford Minor Baseball) Lucasville (can also register with Sackville Minor Baseball), Hubley, Tantallon, Upper Tantallon, and Hubbards. Beechville, Lakeside, and Timberlea residents can register with Halifax Minor Baseball or Hammonds Plains Minor Baseball.  Holly LaPierre  Website
Metro North

Sackville Minor Baseball Association

Encompasses Upper Sackville, Middle Sackville, Lower Sackville (Cobequid Rd up to Lakeview boundary), Mt. Uniacke, Beaverbank (can also register with LWF Minor Baseball), and Lucasville (can also register with Hammonds Plains Minor Baseball).  Mike Barnett  Website
Metro North

LWF Minor Baseball Association

Encompasses Waverley (to Waverley Village boundary), Lakeview (Cobequid Rd to Lower Sackville boundary), Beaverbank (can also register with Sackville Minor Baseball), Fall River, Windsor Junction, Fletchers Lake, Wellington, Grand Lake, and Oakfield (up to Enfield boundary).  Adam Long  Website
Metro North

Corridor Minor Baseball Association

Encompasses Enfield (starting at Oakfield boundary), Elmsdale, Nine Mile River, Lantz, Antrim, Carrolls Corner, Milford, and Shubenacadie.  Greg Kuhn  Website

Hants North Minor Baseball Association

Encompasses Upper Nine Mile River, Rawdon, South Rawdon Gore, Kennetcook, Noel Road, Noel, Walton, Stanley, Maitland, Urbania, and the communities within those boundaries.  Terry White  

Bible Hill Truro Minor Baseball Association

Encompasses the towns of Truro and Bible Hill. Colchester County residents can register with Truro Bible Hill Minor Baseball, Tatamagouche Minor Baseball, Stewiacke Minor Baseball, or West Colchester Minor Baseball.  Joe Young  Website

Tatamagouche Minor Baseball Association

Encompasses the town of Tatamagouche. Colchester County residents can register with Truro Bible Hill Minor Baseball, Tatamagouche Minor Baseball, or Stewiacke Minor Baseball. Quincy Heighton  

Stewiacke Minor Baseball Association

Encompasses the town of Stewiacke. Colchester County residents can register with Truro Bible Hill Minor Baseball, Tatamagouche Minor Baseball, Stewiacke Minor Baseball, or West Colchester Minor Baseball.  Jeff Turple  Website

 West Colchester Minor Baseball Association

Encompasses the town of Great Village. Colchester County residents can register with Truro Bible Hill Minor Baseball, Tatamagouche Minor Baseball, Stewiacke Minor Baseball, or West Colchester Minor Baseball Association.  Mike Spencer  

Antigonish Minor Baseball Association

Encompassses all towns within the Antigonish County limits up to the borders with Pictou, Inverness, and Richmond Counties. Guysborough County residents can register with Antigonish Minor Baseball, Stellarton Minor Baseball, New Glasgow Minor Baseball, or Strait Area Minor Baseball. Brian Lazzuri  

Amherst Little League

Encompasses the town of Amherst. Cumberland County residents can register with Amherst Little League or Oxford Minor Baseball Chuck Delorme  

Oxford Minor Baseball Association

Encompasses the town of Oxford. Cumberland County residents can register with Amherst Little League or Oxford Minor Baseball.   Kristen Thompson  

New Glasgow Kinsmen Minor Baseball

Encompasses all towns within the Pictou County limits up to the borders with Guysborough, Colchester, and Antigonish Counties (can also register with Stellarton Minor Baseball). Guysborough County residents can register with Antigonish Minor Baseball, Stellarton Minor Baseball, New Glasgow Minor Baseball, or Strait Area Minor Baseball. Colby Russell   

Stellarton Minor Baseball Association

Encompasses all towns within the Pictou County limits up to the borders with Guysborough, Colchester, and Antigonish Counties (can also register with New Glasgow Kinsmen Minor Baseball). Guysborough County residents can register with Antigonish Minor Baseball, Stellarton Minor Baseball, New Glasgow Minor Baseball, or Strait Area Minor Baseball. Tim Chaisson  
 Cape Breton

Strait Area Minor Baseball Association

Encompasses the town of Port Hawkesbury. Residents of Inverness County, Richmond County, and Guysborough County can also register.  Shane Richards  
Cape Breton

Isle Madame Baseball Association

Encompasses all communities on Isle Madame. All towns within the Richmond County limits can also register. Residents can also register with Richmond Minor Baseball or Strait Area Minor Baseball.     
 Cape Breton


Sydney Mines and District Little League

Encompasses the towns of Sydney Mines and North Sydney. Residents of Victoria County can also register.  June Bradley  Website
Cape Breton

Sydney District Little League 

Encompasses the area from Sydney River, through the Mira Road (to Louisburg), and Sydney (up to the Reserve Mines border). Residents can also register with Sydney Minor Baseball or Mira Road Baseball.     
Cape Breton

Glace Bay Little League

Encompasses the areas of Dominion, Glace Bay, and Reserve Mines, to the border with Sydney. Ryan Boutilier  
Cape Breton

New Waterford Minor Baseball

Encompasses the area from Victoria Mines to the borders with Sydney and Glace Bay.  Mark Petrie  
Cape Breton

Richmond Minor Baseball Association

Encompasses the town of St.Peter's.  All towns within the Richmond County limits can also register. Residents can also register with Isle Madame Minor Baseball or Strait Area Minor Baseball.  Brad Stevens  
Cape Breton

Port Hood Minor Baseball Association

Encompasses the communities of Judique, Port Hood, and Mabou. Residents of Inverness County can also register. Kenzie Campbell  Website
Cape Breton

Inverness Minor Baseball

Encompasses the town of Inverness. Residents of Inverness County and Victoria County can also register. Brett Walkins  
Cape Breton

Mira Road Rangers Baseball Association

Encompasses the area from Sydney River, through the Mira Road (to Louisburg), and Sydney (up to the Reserve Mines border). Residents can also register with Sydney District Little League or Sydney Minor Baseball.  Scott Clements  

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