The BNS Handbook includes rules and references to be used for competitions, coaching, coaching, discipline, provincial teams, and other operational aspects of the organization. | |
The Bluenose League Handbook includes rules and references that are specific to the provincial Bluenose League (separate from Provincial Championships, recreational, or other competitions). | |
2025 Provincial Championship Handbook | The Provincial Championship Handbook includes rules and references that are specific to hosting Provincial Championship events. |
Policy and Procedures | The Policy and Procedure Manual outlines the policy development processes and procedures within BNS. This document defines the types of policy, procedures in policy development, requests for policy amendment, and committee responsibilities. |
Club Licensing Policy | The Club Licensing Policy Club Licensing Policy outlines the registration process for clubs to remain in good standing, while also allowing for an annual reporting process. The licensing system requires each club to apply for membership each year by submitting basic information, as well as an update on the programming being offered within the Club. |
BNS By Laws | The BNS By Laws are the main governing document for Baseball Nova Scotia. Information on AGM's, elections, terms and roles of Board members, and more. |
AGM Minutes |