Rally Cap

What is the Rally Cap Program?

Rally Cap is Baseball Canada's Official Initiation to Baseball Program.

From the Baseball Canada site: "The Rally Cap Program is an initiative to enhance players' and coaches' first experience with the game of baseball! The program helps teach players the five FUNdamentals of baseball (Fundamental movement skills, throwing, receiving, hitting, base running) in a fun and safe environment. Players have the opportunity to learn, acquire and perform different baseball skills in order to progress through the different levels of the program."

More info can be found on the Baseball Canada site here.


Who is Rally Cap for?

The program is intended for both coaches/parent helpers and children who are brand new to baseball. Alongside programming to develop players' basic baseball skills and knowledge is programming to develop new coaches/volunteers/parents skills and knowledge of baseball and coaching. Age ranges for the program for players can vary between associations, but typically can range from 5U up to 9U (ages 4 to 9).


How Do I Register My Child?

Registration for the program is administered through local clubs/associations. Please reach out to your association to inquire about the program and find out if they may offer it. Contacts for associations as well as catchment areas (if you are unsure what club may operate in your area) can be found on our site here: Club Information.


Registration for Associations to Join the Program Opens Each Spring - Keep an Eye Out!

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